Organic Farming: 7 Amazing Benefits of Organic Farming in India 2023

At present time most preferable farming practice is organic farming. Organic farming is a kind of natural farming process that aims to avoid many chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and genetically modified organisms  (GMOs) and growth hormones for livestock. The main goal of organic farming is to produce food with minimum environmental impact and make growth and maintain high-quality of food by using natural methods such as crop rotation, use of animals manure, companion planting, composting etc.

Organic farming is really beneficial. Organic farming is safe and healthy than other farming methods. In Conventional farming, farmers use chemicals fertilizers and man-made pesticides but organic farming is free from those things.

Now organic farming is gaining popularity in all over the world and in India also, because of the benefits of organic farming. People are now becoming very aware of their health and environment so they prefer to eat organic food, so it is important to farmed organic food. For this reasons organic farming is increased.

There are two types of organic farming

1. Integrated organic farming

Integrated organic farming depends on the integration of pests management and nutrient management to produce food.

2. Pure organic farming

In pure organic farming process, farmers use fully natural fertilizers and pesticides and there is no use of chemicals.

So we gained basic knowledge about organic farming, now let’s discuss the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming

Advantages of organic farming

1. Improve soil quality

There is no use of harmful chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides in organic farming. The main goal of organic farming is to use natural fertilizers, and pesticides which are not harmful. Organic farming methods such as crop rotation, cover cropping etc help to improve soil quality and avoid soil erosion.

2. Reduce the environmental impact

In Conventional agriculture, farmers use synthetic pesticides and chemicals which are dangerous for the environment and polluted the water, soil and are harmful to wildlife. In organic farming, farmers do not use any kind of chemicals so organic farming is beneficial for the environment.

3. Provide safer food

In conventional agriculture, farmers use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, those synthetic pesticides and fertilizers can leave residues on food that creates lots of disease in the human body such as cancer. Organically produced food is free from those dangerous impacts and healthier for humans.

4. High in nutrients

As we already came to know that in organic farming, farmers do not use any kind of chemicals so organic food is safe and healthy. A recent study proves that organically produced vegetables and fruits are rich in high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than conventionally grown foods.

5. Economical

In the conventional farming process, there are lots of use for chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides which are very expensive. But in organic farming, there is no use of any man-made fertilizers and pesticides. In the organic farming process, farmers use natural fertilizers and pesticides which are not so expensive. So there is no need to invest extra money in organic farming and farmers can make lots of profit from it.

Also Read: Organic vs Non Organic foods

Disadvantages of organic farming

1. Lower yields

 Non-organic farming fully depends on chemicals and pesticides which help to grow a large amount of food. Organic farming methods often result in lower yields compared to non-organic farming practices because this kind of method fully depends on natural pest control instead of synthetic insecticides and fertilizers.

2. Timely process

Organic farming requires more labor-intensive practices such as hand weeding and cover cropping so following this process could take lots of time than the conventional farming process.

3. Limited options

In non-organic agriculture all crop is grown with the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides but in organic farming farmers do not use chemicals pests and fertilizers. Some crops may be difficult to grow without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and this could limit the range of available organic choices at grocery stores.

4. Difficulty in supply

The demand for organic food is increasing day by day but organic farming is not increasing as compared to its demand. Organic farming is also a time taking farming process. For those reasons, it is getting difficult to supply the demanding organic food.

5. Expensive food

Organic farming needs more time and labour than non-organic farming. As a result, the produced food by organic farming is become very expensive so it is difficult for everyone to buy, and for this reason, organic farmers are not able to get the proper economical support for their farming process.

So through a long discussion, we came to about the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming. Now before going into the main topic let’s discuss the method of organic farming.

Also Read: Benefits of organic foods

Methods of organic farming

1. Crop Rotation

This involves growing different crops at a specific time of the year on the same piece of land and this is the primary method of organic farming. It helps to replenish nutrients that have been depleted from previous crops and also reduces the risk of soil erosion and improves soil quality.

2. Companion Planting

This technique involves planting certain plants together based on their beneficial qualities towards each other. For example, planting tomatoes near basil can help deter pests away from both plants. Using this method a farmer can produce two organic foods side by side.

3. Intercropping

This method involves mixing two or more types of crops within the same plot. By doing so, it maximizes the use of space and provides benefits like reducing weeds and improving soil health and reducing the chance of soil erosion.

4. Composting

Organic matter such as vegetable scraps, yard waste, and animal manure is used to create compost and use in organic farming which acts as an excellent source of nutrients for plants and helps in good development of organic food.

5. Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Instead of using chemical pesticides, IPM uses a combination of techniques including monitoring insect populations, handpicking, trapping, and natural predators to control pests and this method is very good for organic farming and also less harmful for the environment.

Through a long discussion we came to know about many things about organic farming, now let’s discussed the benefits of organic farming.

Also Read: Healthy vs Junk Foods

Benefits of organic farming

1. Soil Health

One of the primary benefits of organic farming is to improve the quality of soil. Organic farming methods, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and the use of organic fertilizers and compost, help to maintain and improve soil quality. These practices replenish vital nutrients, improve soil structure, and prevent soil erosion, and this could be very helpful in the growth of organic food.

2. Biodiversity

Organic farming develops biodiversity both above and below the ground. The avoidance of synthetic pesticides and herbicides in organic farming allows for a wider variety of plants, insects, birds, and other wildlife to inhabit organic farms. This increased biodiversity put a positive impact ecosystem, which can better withstand potential threats such as pests, diseases, and climate change.

3. Reduced Chemical Exposure

Another significant advantage of organic farming is the reduction of chemical exposure for both farmers and consumers. By using natural pests and fertilizers instead of using synthetic pests and fertilizers, organic farming reduces the risk of pesticide contamination in our food, and also not polluted the air, and water. This, in turn, can lead to great health benefits for both farmers and consumers, including decreased risk of chronic diseases and cancer linked to chemical exposure.

4. Improved Human Health

Many studies show that organic foods can provide a variety of health benefits compared to conventionally grown foods. Organically grown fruits and vegetables have been found to contain higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can contribute to improved overall health and lowered risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, organic livestock are raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones, decreasing the risk of antibiotic resistance and negative hormonal effects on human health. So it is important to farmed organic food.

5. Animal Welfare

Organic farming takes a more positive approach to animal husbandry. Livestock raised on organic farms are given access to pasture, ample space to roam, and are fed organic feed free from antibiotics, hormones, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic farming methods contribute to healthier animals and reduced the chance of many diseases, and this ultimately produces better-quality meat, dairy, and eggs for consumers.

6. Climate Change Mitigation

Organic farming practices can help to mitigate climate change by reducing the negative effects of greenhouse gas and increasing carbon sequestration in the soil. The reduced use of synthetic fertilizers in organic farming reduces the production of nitrous oxide – a potent greenhouse gas. Organic farming methods such as composting and cover cropping increase the percentage of carbon in the soil, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint of agriculture.

7. Job Creation

Organic farming typically has higher labour demands compared to conventional agriculture, as methods such as manual weeding and composting replace chemical pests and fertilizers. As a result, organic farming has the potential to create more jobs within rural communities, contributing to economic growth and increased stability for small-scale farmers.

Also Read: How to create awareness about organic foods

FAQ’s: Benefits of organic farming

1. What is organic farming?

Organic farming is a kind of farming process which can reduce the use of chemical pests and fertilizers and produce harmless food.

2. What are the steps of organic farming?

There are lots of steps in organic farming like crop rotation, companion planting, intercropping etc; all these steps help to grow organic food.

3. Is there any positive impact of organic farming on the environment?

There are lots of positive impacts of organic farming on the environment such as improved soil health, eco-friendly farming process, and good for the ecosystem


Organic farming creates multiple number of benefits for the environment, human health, animal welfare, and communities. By supporting organic farming methods and choosing organic products, consumers are actively contributing to a healthier and more sustainable food system. Although many challenges remain in the expansion and accessibility of organic farming, the benefits organic farming provides should not be overlooked.

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