8 Foods that Should be Avoided During Summer : 2023

“Everything starts and ends with food” – someone truly said this for every foody people in this world because this line touches their heart if they are fond of eating various kind of foods . But if you are a health conscious person you hardly accept this fact , and if it is summer then there is not a single chance of accepting that fact for you .

We all are familiar to our country’s heat waves and the temperature is getting more and more in every single year . Being an Indian we have a less control on our mouthwatering foods that are a heritage of our native land . But in this unbearable heat when the sun shows us its scorchingness then we have to take a step back and get some control on our daily diet so that we can save from being dehydrated or having other serious trouble in our health .

Here are some foods that can be avoided during the summer to save ourselves from dehydration or other disorder in our health .

Spicy Food

In India the varieties of spices are the heritage of this country . But during summer season when the temperature is usually high , you should avoid heavy spices in your daily diet . The spicy foods causes sweat and increase our body temperature . The more spice you add in your food , the more heated you feel in summer .

Fatty Foods


Foods that contain various nutritions are benificial to our health . But when the foods are high in fat then our digestive system takes some more time to digest it and if it is summer then the digestive system may result poor by having acidity in our body . It can also raise our body temperature and make us less energetic during the hot season .

Caffeine and Alcohol

According to our childhood books knowledge , caffeine gains energy but real truth behind this is it also gains heat in our body . There are plenty of peoples who likes tea or coffee in a cold manner but most of the peoples are desired of hot tea or hot coffee which gains a heat in their body so it is not good for our health to consume a hot drink in this heat waves . On the Otherside , if we are talking about alcohol consumption in summer then everyone knows that alcohol heats our body which can lead to dehydration in our body . It’s best to avoid these two drinks during this type of unbearable summer or have a limit on consuming these two drinks during heat waves .

Also Read: Organic Foods vs Non-Organic Foods

Processed and salty foods

Processed foods and salty foods always steal the attraction of people towards them . But to tell the truth , these foods often includes unhealthy level of sugar , salt , sodium and fat . These foods may taste better than other but eating them too much may lead to dehydration and water retention in summer season because they are high in sodium . It will make u feel more uncomfortable during heat waves .

Fried Foods

Fried food tastes great but in summer season our body sometimes has to tolerate a disorder in our stomach to digest the fried foods . They are high in fat and calories which can make us feel a little bit drizzy and uncomfortable during summer .

Sugar drinks and desserts

There is a myth that desserts after a lunch or dinner completes our hunger but when you cross the limit of consuming sugar drinks or desserts in hot weather can harm you by increasing the sugar level in your body or get you tired quickly in this unbearable heat .

Dry food

DRY foods

Dry foods are good for our health . They nourishes our body but they are also responsible for increasing our body temperature . Dry foods prevent to feel a zone of comfort if someone consume them in a lot of number during summer season.



Soda or any other carbonated drink may seems good because it gives instant relief from the heat waves of summer . But it has a opposite side too , soda is extremely addictive and unhealthy to our health . It also contains high level of sugar which cause some drizzyness in our body and also dehydrates the body.

Also Read: Harmful Effects of Junk Foods

FAQs: Foods that Should be Avoided During Summer 2023

1. Which spicy food is extremely avoidable in summer ?

Not exactly about food , you just have to eat foods that are made of less spices , you will be completely okay during summer

2. Does meat consists of fat and avoidable in summer ?

Yes , meat consists of high level of Protien and Fat which are a bit of harmful if consuming too much during summer .

3. Which drink is best for summer ?

There is no drink is as good as pure water for summer .

4. Is pickle a processed food ?

Yes , pickle is a processed food because it passes many stages like pilling , mixing , drying etc.

5. In summer what are the risks of food related diseases that are increasing ?

In summer , the risk of dehydration , indigestion , food poisoning and other deficiencies are increasing .

6. What should one eat in this unbearable heat season ?

One should eat seasonal fruits and vegetables because that protects us from the sun as they have high levels of water and nutrients .

7. How can someone get relief from dehydration and high body temperature ?

Take ORS repeatedly after each 30 minutes , drink mango panna or pudina juice , if there is no result then immediately go for checkup.

8. Why is it hard to eat in summer ?

When the weather is hot we start craving for lighter foods , our body tries to regulate our body temperature by cutting down the heavy functions in body like

Final Thoughts

The choice is yours ; you want to stay down by becoming a victim of this heat waves or get up by getting control on your daily diet and face the sun bravely . Keep the abovesaid topics in your mind and do not compromise on your health .

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