12 Harmful Effects of Junk foods (May 2023)

Nowadays junk foods become an essential part of our daily life. Every day from morning to night, from breakfast to dinner everyone eats lots of junk foods.  That’s the main reason to write this article about 12 Harmful Effects of Junk foods.

People spend Almost 40% of their income on food luxury and consume junk food without knowing the harmful effects of those foods. Junk foods contain a high rate of fat, sugar, and salt which are affecting our health very badly and there is a lack of nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals that are healthy for our health. Junk food is very tasty, so day by day everyone becomes more addicted to junk food. Some junk foods which people can like to eat every day are cakes, biscuits, fried chicken, pizza, red meat, burgers, sugary drinks etc.

Doctors from every corner of the world make it very clear that half of the health issues in the human body are for the unhealthy eating habits and the most dangerous eating habit is consuming junk food daily. Eating junk food every day is very harmful to the human body and creates many diseases and problems in the body. So today we are going to discuss the harmful effects of junk foods.

12  harmful effects of junk foods are:-

1. Heart disease

2. Type 2 Diabetes

3. Cancer

4. High cholesterol

5. Kidney disease

6. Obesity

7. Liver disease

8. Dental cavities

9. Depression

10. Skin problems

11. Learning and memory problems

12. Problem of digestion

1. Heart disease

Nowadays problems with the heart, heart attacks, and stroke are the major problems for every age group of people. Many heart diseases are coming from consuming junk food. Red meat, ice cream, bakery food products, and fried foods lead the human body on the path of heart diseases. Those  junk food has less Nutrients value and rich in fat. Junk foods increase blood pressure and elevate cholesterol and these two reasons are the main cause of heart attack and stroke. To prevent many heart problems you need to consume healthy green vegetables and fruits instead of junk food which can be harmful to your body.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

Junk foods affect the human body very badly and one of the worst effects of junk food is diabetes. Foods rich in salt, sugar and deep fry in oil are the cause of diabetes. Junk foods may raise the risk of diabetes in many ways. Junk foods are rich in calories and eating junk foods regularly increases blood sugar levels in the body and causes type 2 diabetes. Junk food excess body fats and gain weight, which also may cause type 2 diabetes. Fast food increases the triglyceride in the body because there are lots of saturated fats in fast foods. Increasing the level of triglycerides also cause type 2 diabetes.

3. Cancer

Junk foods could be very harmful to the human body. One of the major risks of eating junk food is cancer. The link between cancer and junk food is very relatable. Processed meat, fried foods, and refined foods can develop cancer cells in the human body. Meat, chicken, and eggs are very healthy if cooked properly otherwise if those foods preserved by ice, smoke and in other way this can develop various cancer cells in the body. Foods which are fried at high temperatures also cause cancer. So instead of taking harmful junk foods put healthy vegetables and fruits in your daily eating habit and maintain a healthy and disease free life.

4. High cholesterol

Junk foods and problems with high cholesterol are connected simultaneously. Every junk foods are rich in saturated fat. Saturated fat increases the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which can create many high cholesterol-related diseases in the human body. Junk foods also damage the ratio of low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which also make lots of problems. So it is really important to be aware of consuming junk foods because this is very harmful. To maintain the correct ratio of LDL-HDL In the body you need to eat healthy foods and that helps you to prevent the problems of high cholesterol.

5. Kidney disease

All the doctors from all over the world say that junk foods are very harmful to the human body. It may also damage the kidneys. Junk foods and fast foods are high in calories and unhealthy fat that can lead the human body to obesity and increase sugar and cholesterol levels which create extra pressure on the kidneys. Consuming junk foods or fast foods in high quantities for a long time increases the load on the kidney which creates many kidney related problems or damages the kidneys. So be aware of consuming fast food on daily basis.

Also Read: Organic Food vs Non-Organic foods

6. Obesity

Now the major problem with the body is obesity. One of the most harmful effects of junk food is obesity. Junk foods and fast foods are rich in calories, fat, and sugar which lead the body to gain weight. Fat is very important for the body but excess of fat is not good. Eating junk food rich in fat gains weight in the body. You can say that obesity is the starting of many diseases like joint pain, various problems of heart, diabetes etc. we come to know that obesity is a big problem for the human body. So eat healthy foods and never eat extra fat-containing junk foods to stay obesity free.

7. Liver disease

The liver is a very important part of the human body, so everyone needs to take care of the liver. A recent study reveals that 20% of daily calories come from junk foods or fast foods which are harmful to the liver and create non-alcoholic liver disease which is life-threatening.  People who have obesity or diabetes can’t eat junk foods because this is more harmful for the liver. Junk foods build up a layer on the liver which may damage the liver or cause liver cancer. So, be aware of consuming junk foods and maintain a healthy diet.

8. Dental cavities

Junk foods or fast foods are so tasty and you can easily get those foods everywhere so it is very difficult to get rid of it. Junk foods are harmful to the human body. The sugar and salt in junk foods feed harmful bacteria into the mouth and bring poor dental hygiene and create cavities. Carbohydrates and added sugar and salt in fast foods create acid that breaks down teeth enamel and damage dental health.

9. Depression

Junk food is not only harmful for the body but also harmful for the mind. A recent study proves that eating junk foods regularly can negatively impact on mental health and cause depression, anxiety etc mental diseases. The lack of essential nutrients in junk foods can lead to poor brain functions. The high amount of sugar in junk foods can affect human mood and increase negative energy in the body which also causes depression. So if you had to stay mentally healthy you need to consume less junk foods.

10. Skin problems

Junk foods affect the human body and also affect your skin. It is proven that pizza and chocolates are the reason behind acne and pimple. Junk foods which are high in sugar, salt and carbs may increase the blood sugar level which causes acne and pimple. A recent study on skin problems says that adults or children eating junk foods more than three times a week will become the victims of eczema. Eczema is a kind of skin disease which causing irritated patches of inflamed skin.

11. Learning and memory problems

If you consume junk food loaded with sugar and fat it may affect negatively your learning and memory ability. The hippocampus region of the human brain controls the power of learning and memory. Consuming food with added high amounts of sugar damage the hippocampus region of the brain which affect very badly in learning and memory ability. This is one of the harmful effects of consuming junk foods.

12. Problems of digestion

You need to digest your food properly to live a healthy life. Eating junk food is very harmful and affects your digestive system very badly. Junk foods are highly rich in fat, sugar, salt etc. If you eat extra fatty foods then the fat sticks around your stomach and produces harmful acid and creates problems in digestion. For the problem of digestion, you may fill stomach pain and face many other diseases. To stay healthy make your diet chart with highly digestible foods.

Let’s take a look on some topic related FAQ’s

FAQS: Harmful Effects of Junk foods

1.What is junk food addiction?

Junk food is very addictive and it is very challenging for everyone to get rid of it. High levels of sugar and fat in junk food increase the release of the dopamine hormone, this hormone is associated with pleasure and reward. That is why junk is so addictive.

2. How to take the “junk” out of junk food?

Junk food is very harmful to the human body and mind but there are lots of alternative foods that can provide the essential nutrients for your body without any negative effects. Some alternative foods are fresh vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, and lean proteins such as chicken, and fish those are very good alternatives of processed foods or junk foods.

3. Is alcohol and other energy drinks fall under junk foods?

Yes alcohol and various energy drinks are kind of junk foods because there are added sugar and other chemicals which have harmful effects on the human body.

4. In which way does someone consume junk food?

Junk food is harmful to the body. If someone eats junk food regularly this should be more harmful. So someone can eat junk food occasionally and under a limit that could not harmful.

5. Which junk foods are the most harmful?

All junk foods are harmful but here we can try to suggest you some names, like:-
Red meat
Fried foods
Cakes and biscuits
Sugary drinks
Chocolates and sweets
Alcoholic drinks.


So try not to eat those foods we mentioned above.

After the discussion, we came to know that junk foods are very harmful. Many diseases and problems are occurring for junk foods. It is not important to add those optional foods to your daily diet. You can eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fat etc which provide us with essential nutrients and those foods are harmless. You can eat junk foods occasionally and in a limited way. If you can maintain this you will be free from lots of problems such as diabetes, obesity, chronic diseases etc. So consume less junk foods as much as possible, eat healthy foods and stay happy and healthy.

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