How To Create Awareness About Organic Foods? 2023

Organic food is a kind of food which is produced or farmed without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or any other chemicals. Organic food is also free from artificial colours, flavours, and non-organic preservation.

Organic food is safe and healthy than non-organic food. Non-organic food is farmed by using chemical fertilizers and man-made pesticides but organic food is free from those things. The ultimate aim of farming organic food is to produce eco-friendly, healthier food. The idea of farming organic food first came to the mind of Sir Albert Howard and Rudolf Steiner.

At present days the popularity of organic food increasing rapidly because people are becoming more conscious about their health. So people now prefer to eat organic food instead of non-organic food. There are many organic foods, like-

Organic vegetables-  cabbage,  cauliflower, organic fruits, organic meat etc. Those organic foods are now available in all grocery stores or farmer’s markets. Organic food is different in colours and taste from any other non-organic food. Now people are aware of organic food but there are lots of people who don’t aware of organic food or didn’t care about it. It is scientifically proven that organic food is far more safe than non-organic food. So it is really important to create awareness about organic food. Before going into a deep discussion you need to know the benefits of organic foods.


1. Safe from harmful chemicals:-

Organic food is popular for producing without the use of harmful chemicals, human-made pesticides, fertilizers etc. Another side non-organic food is farmed by using harmful chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides which are very harmful to your body. Non-organic food creates many diseases in your body like cancer, neurobiological disorders etc. Organic food is free from those chemicals so there is no risk of disease in consuming organic food.

2. Nutritional value:-

It is proven that organic food had more nutritional value than non-organic food. In the farming process of organic foods farmers focus on the improvement of soil quality because it helps in producing high-quality organic food and essential growth. Many research prove that organic food is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than other  foods So Organic food has lots of nutritional value which is safe for your body.

3. Maintain biodiversity:-

Organic farming prioritizes the relationship between the ecosystem and biodiversity. Organic farmers use crop rotation methods, focusing on the improvement of soil quality. The use of natural pest control methods helps in the growth of many helpful bees and these bees are essential for maintaining biodiversity. The use of natural pesticides helps in the natural habitats of wildlife. Organic farmers help to increase biodiversity at all levels- From seeds and worms to birds and bees.

4. Eco friendly:-

Organic foods are completely eco-friendly. For farming organic foods farmers use natural fertilizers, like- Compost, animal manure, and corp  rotation methods these things help to stop water pollution, stop soil erosion and improve soil quality. Organic farmers also use renewable resources for farming and that reduces the chance of environmental pollution.

5. Good for human health:-

Organic food is very good for health than conventional foods. Organic food is free from the use of artificial colours, flavours, preservatives and other fertilizers. The use of synthetic chemicals in food production increases the chance of many diseases, like cancer, chorionic disease, allergies, obesity etc. There is no risk like this in consuming organic food.

Now people are becoming very aware of the benefits of organic food. Organic food is healthy, environment friendly and sustainable and those things make organic food more popular and people become more aware of organic food day by day.

Now let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of organic foods


1. Health benefits:-

Organic food is very healthy for human health. Organic food is free from harmful chemicals, unnatural fertilizers, and pesticides, these things increase the chance of many life-taking diseases like cancer. So you easily understand that organic food is not harmful to your health Because there are no chemicals in organic food.

2. Good for the environment:-

The concept of farming organic food is become popular for reducing the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilizers which makes a negative impact on your body and environment so organic food is safe from that side. For farming organic food farmers use crop rotation methods, natural composting, and natural pesticides that make their crops healthy as well as safe environment.

3. Rich in nutrients:-

As we discussed earlier that it is scientifically proven that organic food has more nutritional value than conventional food. Organic food is highly  rich in vitamins, and minerals that keep your body energetic.


1. Expensive:-

Organic food is a little more expensive than conventionally grown food. Produce Organic food requires more time and labour than non-organic food that is why organic food is expensive and it is difficult to consume for everyone.

2. Availability:-

The farming of Organic food is in the early stages in India. So it is really hard to get organic food in all areas of our country. You can get organic food in certain areas of India so this is a big problem.

3. Short lifetime:-

Organic food has a shorter lifetime than non-organic food because it is free from preservatives. So it is not possible to store that food who need it to store it for long periods of time.

Overall organic food has many advantages. Organic food has disadvantages also, such as being expensive, and availability. But instead of these disadvantages, people started consuming more and more organic food because of it’s healthy benefits to the body and environment.

Through a long discussion, we came to know that organic food is much better than conventional food and people are aware of that. But there is some group of people who are not aware of organic food, so now we discussed the steps of creating awareness about organic food.

Also Harmful effects of junk food

To create awareness about organic food these steps need to follow

1. Conduct workshops and seminars:-

The best way to create awareness about organic food is to conduct workshops and seminars. Organize workshops and seminars in public communities, schools, colleges and hospitals, this should educate people about the benefits and positive impact of organic food. When people attend those workshops and seminars they will understand the importance of organic food in their life and environment.

2. Distribute pamphlets:-

Distributing pamphlets is one of the best steps for creating awareness about organic food. Distribute pamphlets among people, in the market and local stores highlighting the benefits and healthy effects of organic food. This should reach to more people and help to create awareness about organic food.

3. Social media campaigns:-

Nowadays everyone use social media so social media campaigns are the best way to create awareness about organic food. Use lots of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to spread information about the positive impact and benefits of organic food on people’s health and environment That will aware lots of people.

4. Relationship with local farmers:-

Create partnerships with local farmers who produce organic food and organize events to showcase their products. This is helpful for those farmers to sell their products and produce organic food. Through this  partnerships and events, more  people will understand how organic farming works and how it can benefit the environment.

5. Collaborate with schools and colleges:-

Collaborate with schools and colleges to teach children and youth how organic farming works and the benefits of organic food. So the students can learn about the farming of organic foods and its benefits. This will help the students to improve their eating habits and they can also influence their families to consume organic food.

By following these steps we can create awareness about organic food and aware people about the benefits of organic food in health and the environment. Following these steps also help to influence people to add organic food to their daily diet plans.

FAQs. How to create Awareness about Organic Foods?

1. How can we recognize organic food?

USDA-certified organic food products should have an official certification. To recognize organic food check the USDA certificate on that product and that is the best step.

2. Which organic food is best for eating?

There is no specific food item when it comes to organic food however organic fruits and vegetables, organic whole grains, and organic lean proteins like fish and meat are good for maintaining a healthy diet.

3. Is there any bad impact of organic food?

There have been debates and conflicts on that topic. But it depends on the consumers and how they consume the food. As far as you consume organic food in the proper way this is no harmful

4. Is it worth it to buy organic food?

Buying organic food worth it or not depends on the consumers. If they are concerned about their health and support organic practices they should buy organic food and that is worth it for them.

5. Why organic food is more expensive than conventional food?

There is need more time and labour to produce organic food than conventional food, that is why organic food is more extensive than conventional food


Organic food is a kind of food which is grown up without the use of harmful chemicals, fertilizers, or man-made pesticides which is harmful to human health. Organic food is also beneficial for health, environment, eco-system, and biodiversity and for these reasons, this kind of food becomes popular day by day. Framing conventional food is easy and low cost but it is harmful to health and the environment. So we need to create awareness about organic food among them who are not aware of that. As much as people are aware they started consuming organic food and that will help to improve their health and also improve our environment.

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